Welcome to my Lotor/Allura fan site wherein I shamelessly root for the villain because he's just that pretty. Read on for fan fiction recommendations, links to my favorite Lotor vids and fan sites, Lotor icons and screen caps, and more.
Most recent site updates:
09/30/2020—Posted new material to Between Two Evils. Chapter 24. Major site refresh, repaired broken contact link (is that why no email since 2015? Hah!), removed broken links (RIP), etc. 11/22/2015—Posted new chapter to Between Two Evils. Chapter 23. Added fanart to The Hockey Game
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Fan Fiction Recommendations
NOTE: These fic recommendations are for grown-ups. Many of them contain sex and/or violence.
Allura's Wake
by botias
Gift fic for Lotornomiko. This is porn, my friends, and non-consensual besides. The Sleeping Princess episode goes the way Lotor probably would have preferred.
Between Two Evils
by botias
This is my notion of what would happen if Lotor actually managed to capture Allura. I'll admit it—I made Lotor less evil than he was on the show, though hopefully not by too much. There are no non-consensual shenanigans, but it does get rather explicit so be ye warned. WIP
Bass Ackwards Romance
by Tamysan
This spoof made me giggle A LOT. Lotor tries a little reverse psychology.
by Patty
This is a sweet fic with a very benignly characterized Lotor. Lucky for Allura, since the chains are literal! Lotor/Allura friendship with romantic tension.
Fiction by Lotornomiko
Consider this WARNING your promise of explicit, non-consensual sex. I'm afraid that most all of my selections by this author tend that way.- The Black Lion Incident
- Two thumbs up for some of the best egotistical Lotor dialogue ever.
- Dinner and a Show
- Another very enjoyable 'Plot? What Plot?' At least he took her to dinner and a show first.
- Lusting Effects
- In the author's words this is "pure crack." Lotor tries a magical solution to Allura's resistance with interesting results.
- Shattered and its sequel of sorts Broken
- What if the scene wherein Allura gets locked in her room went rather differently? *shivers*
- Frozen
- Chilling glimpse of a victorious Lotor.
- Bride of the Monster
- A V3D episode re-write where things go Lotor's way.
Lotor Makes a Looove Connection
by Tamysan
Comedy/fluff piece of Lotor and Allura on the Love Connection.
Marking of the Days
by sinclinekoutaishi
This is one of my favorite L/A fics. I love the wonderful well-imagined fictional world this author has created. Instead of writing Lotor out-of-character, this author cleverly has Lotor go off on a journey of profound personal growth right before this fic begins. He's still very pretty and loves violence, but he actually has a conscience and is 95% less megalomaniacal.
If you like a fair bit of romance and minimal angst, it's well worth a read, though it's been abandoned after chapter 37.

Purity from Poison
by L 0 K I
It might have been the prologue to a larger fic, but instead it's a wonderful, intriguing little tidbit.
by L 0 K I
I love this little ficlet. 'Evil Lotor in love' gives me the good shivers.
A Woman Grown
by Tamysan
Classic shipper fic: Lotor is all loving and protective – Keith goes way evil – it's all there.
Worth Saving
by Patty
One of my favorites, a short two-part fic that warms my shipper heart.
Fics of Interest
These fics might be incomplete, or maybe Keith rescues Allura before Lotor can have his wicked way with her (drat!), but they still might be of interest to a L/A fan:
- My Better Half by Dr. Kat
- Six Days by Dr. Kat
- Redemption and Destiny by Silverrose
- The Hockey Game by KK60
- Compassion
- First Date by Tamysan
The Narrow Path between the Darkness and the Light
by greeneggs7
Readers' Choice
Other Lotor fans recommend their favorite fics.
A Prayer for Forgiveness
by Taryn
"There are very few Lotor stories that catch my eye that give him much, if any, depth and insight into this enigma character. One of the few that stand out for me is [this story] on the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Lotor fansite... several of her stories are short, but well written." —Lynn M.
But Lotor is so Evil!!
I know, and fictional evil is so very hot really, REALLY bad. And my poor momma tried so hard to raise me up right... if it helps, I perform two extra hours of community service a week to atone.